We have been involved in designing and delivering video walls since the 90’s in a wide range of environments from large scale events and exhibitions to corporate workspaces. Take a look at some of these projects on our project page under videowalls.
These days the choice of videowall solutions is overwhelming but at the same time offering solutions for every budget and situation.
Videowalls processors come in a variety of flavours…
• Built in to flat panel displays, offering simple loop through connectivity, indenting and image alignment all from the displays remote control. All the major manufactures of flat panel displays offer this facility, LG, NEC, Samsung. This solution offers a cost effective and simple solution for standard format (2×2, 3×3, 4×4, etc.) and singularly picture.
• Fixed format processors, such as Datapath’s X4, Hetec and SmartAVI. These offer simple solution for fixed format, Mosaic patterns and multiple images with the advantage of being display agnostic
• Modular processors, such as Extron, TV One, these tend to be high end processors with a matching cost but offer you the scalability both in terms of features but also offering the ability for changes, upgrading or enlarging your videowall.
• Graphic card based processor, such as Datapath and Matrox. These solutions offer you a cost effective way to create videowall of any size to suit your requirements based on reasonable spec. PC all of the hard work is achieved in the graphic cards rather than the PC.
• IP based solutions, such as Terracue and Arrava. Simple way to create a variety of standard format videowalls across a network. Great for integrating as part of IPTV or Digital Signage solutions.
Currently there is a new kid on the block who has approached videowalls from a different viewpoint of how to deliver content to videowalls.
Userful can deliver both in normal formats (2×2,3×3 etc.) mosaic layouts and digital signage all up to 8K.
Userful solution is IP based but rather having a traditional IPTV headend or STB for end points Useful use a standard i7 PC with a low cost zero client for each display.
Each has its place and offers different benefits depending upon your exact requirements contact us to discuss your requirements.