Intro: AVIT Vision was engaged to deliver a number of exhibits and a new theatre show at the Fram museum in Olso telling the story of the Gjoa. The Gjøa was the first ship to be sailed through the entire Northwest Passage. Roald Amundsen and his six companions accomplished this in 1903-06.
The Challenge: The museum had acquired 120 seats from local cinema that was closing and wanted to recycle them for their new theatre. Integrated into these seats the museum wanted a simultaneous interpretation system that was easy to use without instructions.
The Solution: We approached a number of simultaneous interpretation manufacturers to provide a customised solution, only Auditel were prepared to discuss our requirements for a relatively small order. Auditel suggested their LP-12 module that was designed to be mounted into custom housing. However, we still had the issue of how to make it easy to use without multi-lingual instructions. The no instruction solution was to add a small LCD display to the unit that showed the flag for each country’s language and link this to the LP-12 and finally design a custom housing to fit the profile of the chair. Working with iztech a specialist electronics company and Auditel a complete solution was created.
Customer Benefit:
Intuitive simultaneous interpretation system for 12 languages that fitted the museum’s recycled chairs